Mission & Goals

The Northeastern IPM Center fosters the development and adoption of integrated pest management, a science-based approach to dealing with pests—one that provides economic, environmental, and human health benefits. We engage with stakeholders in agricultural, urban, and rural settings who work with us to identify and address regional priorities, whether for research, education, or outreach.

What Does the Northeastern IPM Center Do?

  • We build partnerships to address challenges and opportunities, serving real-world needs of wide-ranging IPM stakeholders, and building on existing knowledge to solve problems.
  • We establish and maintain information networks, providing broad access to IPM resources so people can make informed decisions about pests and pesticides.
  • We evaluate and communicate successes, helping people understand, use, value, and promote IPM research and education.
  • We manage funding resources—carefullyensuring that our stakeholders receive the greatest possible benefit from public support of IPM research, education, and outreach.

Our work is carried out by staff, participation of advisory groups and partners, communication and information systems, and projects funded through our grants programs—all with support from USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Our strategic plan, developed with input from our advisory council and steering committee, guides the work of the IPM Center.

What Makes Us Special?

  • We protect food supplies and communities. We stay in touch with people’s needs, funding projects that target the most important pest problems and making science-based information available to everyone who contends with pests. Each year we fund about a dozen projects that focus on important pest problems—projects that benefit economic, environmental, and human health in the Northeast.
  • We make the most of public resources. Throughout our region, we help organizations build on each others’ successes and draw on existing knowledge to solve problems.
  • We engage partners. Our Center serves as a hub where growers, scientists, consumers, government agencies, businesses, and environmental organizations—partnerships that serve the real-world needs of people in the Northeast—work together to find least-risk solutions to pest and pesticide problems.